The body has emerged.
My process often seems counterintuitive if not counterproductive. I spend large amounts of time on details,
which are so time consuming,
working within a structure that to me has its own rules and guidelines and starts to create a being that while abstract still is ever more present to me. So true to itself in its most basic and true sense.
Each section so carefully planned so that it may fit together;
only to be covered up. I choose colors, only to put others on top, and it seems strange but this is the way colors work, layers create depth and the translucent water color builds itself just as much from what is at the bottom as what is on top. So that while this might seem so different from its previous iteration,
it would be impossible to arrive to it without its base. And the funny thing is that even after applying the last layer of color I returned to remove some color and create a glow. The process involves constant change, addition and subtraction simultaneously, a give and take.
A coffee layer on the body connects individual pieces and brings out the flesh that supports this universe. Obfuscating some things and highlighting others
creating new textures as it combines what was previously there with what has been added
creating complex landscapes that speak of energy bursting out of the body
dripping heavily and strangely.
Hopefully becoming more whole, more beautiful, more complex with each layer, both obfuscating its past self, but only possible because of it. The piece might not look at all like this when I'm finished, but look at it because, much like with ourselves, traces of this self will still be there when it is done.
The body keeps moving.
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